Task 12 - Sub-Genres
Road films have been a staple of American films from the very
start, and have ranged in genres from westerns, comedies, gangster/crime films,
dramas, and action-adventure films. One thing they all have in common: an
episodic journey on the open road (or undiscovered trail), to search for escape
or to engage in a quest for some kind of goal.
Films that have a sports setting (football or baseball
stadium, arena, or the Olympics, etc.), event (the 'big game,' 'fight,' 'race,'
or 'competition'), and/or athlete (boxer, racer, surfer, etc.) that are central
and predominant in the story. Sports films may be fictional or non-fictional;
and they are a hybrid sub-genre category, although they are often dramas or
comedy films, and occasionally documentaries or biopics.
- Rocky
Supernatural films, a sub-genre category, may be combined
with other genres, including comedy, sci-fi, fantasy or horror. They have
themes including gods or goddesses, ghosts, apparitions, spirits, miracles, and
other similar ideas or depictions of extraordinary phenomena. Interestingly
however, until recently, supernatural films were usually presented in a
comical, whimsical, or a romantic fashion, and were not designed to frighten
the audience. There are also many hybrids that have combinations of fear, fantasy,
horror, romance, and comedy.
- Paranormal Activity
of macho films that are often packed with sophomoric humour, action, cartoon
violence, competition, mean-spirited putdowns and gratuitous nudity and sex.
Gal films or 'chick' flicks are their counterpart for females.
This is really good Lauren!